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Tips and Advice For Happy and Healthy Pets

Healthy Pets

Pets are part of the family, but they require special care to thrive. Follow these tips and advice to ensure your K9 or feline companion is happy and healthy!

Give your pet plenty of daily exercise. For dogs, that means regular walks and playtime sessions. For cats, try a catnip toy or play “fetch” with your furry friend.


Pets need daily exercise to burn energy. This can help control problem behaviors like chewing or barking, which often stem from anxiety and boredom. Exercise also tires animals out and provides a good time for rest before the next activity!

Just like humans, pets that don’t get enough exercise are more likely to have health issues. Walking, jogging and social activities are all excellent forms of exercise for pets!

Dogs and cats may not be able to go for long walks or jogs, but they can exercise by playing games like ball chasing and fetch, engaging in social play with humans or other dogs under supervision, solving puzzle treat toys and obedience training.

Always ask your veterinarian before starting any new exercise routine for your pets. Older pets and those with physical limitations may need to start out with shorter periods of exercise and gradually increase the length of time. Pets with joint and heart issues may need to avoid certain types of exercise.

Healthy Diet

When it comes to keeping pets happy and healthy, proper diet is essential. Pets need a high-quality, balanced diet tailored to their age, size and breed. Proteins build and repair body tissues, fats insulate the body, vitamins help with a variety of functions and minerals promote good health.

Treats should be limited; many have more calories than regular food and can lead to weight gain which is unhealthy for your pet. Try swapping some of your pet’s daily treats for WHIMZEES dental chews which are low-calorie and also support oral health.

Always keep fresh, clean water available to your pet, as dehydration can affect their energy levels and even be harmful. Schedule regular checkups with your vet to help catch health issues early and provide the necessary treatment to make your pet feel better. Follow these tips and your pet will have a brighter, healthier life!

Enrichment Activities

Providing enrichment activities is essential to a happy and healthy pet. Enrichment helps to alleviate boredom, lower stress levels and prevent unwanted behaviors. It also helps to strengthen the bond between dog and owner.

Some types of enrichment can be as simple as blowing bubbles (which exercises the eyesight) or hiding treats in a tub of sand where your dog has to dig them out to get at them (which stimulates their sense of smell). There are also physical enrichments that involve playing games, such as fetch, tug of war and chase and agility training, as well as environmental and food enrichments like food puzzle toys and scattering treats around the environment.

It is important to note that enrichment should be tailored for each individual animal, especially seniors and adolescent dogs. Look for telltale signs that your dog is bored or needs more playtime/enrichment and try to incorporate it into their daily routine. For example, if your dog is barking at visitors or tearing apart the trash can, it may be time to introduce more playtime and enrichment.

Love and Attention

Pets are part of the family, and just like us they need a healthy environment to thrive. This includes daily exercise, a healthy diet, and enrichment activities. Keeping pets active and healthy not only helps them live longer, but also significantly improves their behavior.

Give your pet lots of love, and spend quality time with them playing, training, or just cuddling. Pets are sensitive and emotional animals, and they need your attention to feel happy and secure. Be careful not to show affection through food, as this can lead to begging behaviors and obesity.

It’s important to schedule regular vet appointments. This will allow the veterinarian to identify any health problems early, and prevent them from becoming more serious. Also, make sure to inform your veterinarian of any changes in your pet’s routine or behavior. This could indicate a health problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

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